Wednesday, May 1, 2019

San Cristóbal Island

Well we made it to the Galapagos. Right after arriving, we went on a short walk to La Loberia to see local wildlife. Eventually Chris got used to the marina iguanas and she was really brave walking past  them. Mike talked the guide into taking us longer to see some birds, and it turned into an excruciating hike over lava boulders.  It might’ve been worth it for the courtship dance of the blue-footed booby, but the best bird we saw was a juvenile swallow-tailed gull,

The next day we went to frigate bird hill for a much shorter walk.  Here we saw mockingbirds and finches including a cactus finch sitting on eggs in a nest.

The most photographic bird however, was the yellow warbler which we also get in the US and we saw near the restaurants.

Tomorrow we are off on a boat to Espanola, an uninhabited island, that should have more birds.

Marine Iguana


Swallow-tailed Gull (juvenile)


Cactus finch

San Cristóbal Mockingbird


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